moving and re-creating

het Labo atrium


het Labo atriumはこれから...









het Labo atrium is going on...


In April 2017, three years after the establishment of het Labo atrium in a former dental clinic in Nishi-Shinjuku, we will move to a new location.

Next place is the former music academy.

A new project starts. The new space is set to open in 2021,

New friends, creators, artists will start creating the space as a project.

Along with creating a space as an alternative space gallery +, we are also preparing for a  interactive mobile gallery. The mobile gallery aims to share and expand new values in various places in Japan, Europe, and the United States. Prior to that, from 2020, we plan to introduce Japanese artists, things and events to Europe, which are closely related to het Labo atrum.

In the last three years, we have had the opportunity to introduce many wonderful artists from Japan and other countries. Fortunately we have received a favorable reception.

Since we are also artists, we hope that the creators will work together and continue to play a role in connecting viewers and creators / artists both in Japan and overseas.


* het klein Kabinet, a space which focuses on contemporary jewelry, will continue to stay open for visitors who make a appointment in temporary location during in construction of the project.