- Circle


solo exhibition



2019/03/16 sat - 04/07 sun

15:00 - 20:00 (火木金)

13:00 - 19:00 (土日祝)

月水 休館


The title‚ circle‘ stands for my work as a potter who is working on the wheel. 
I am always looking for a circle in my pieces and also in my life, a center, the best circle I can find with my concentration and mood on the day I am working. It is a challenge to find that shape and its balance, harmony and elegance, and it is my daily training to finding these qualities in all my pieces. When I find them or almost, I feel happy for a moment and I start another search -  it is probably kind of a destiny to go on always and always and to never give up.
I put a red thread in my work as a mark for ‚following my destiny‘. In my mother tongue, the red thread stands for ‚following the destiny‘. It is also a sign that my pieces belong together - wherever they are.
I will present in your room a result of my search in white porcelain.
                                                                                                                 -Helga Ritstsh


本展ではHelga Ritschにとって象徴的ともいえるCircleがテーマとなっています。静謐で清潔なHelgaの作品世界は、日本文化の心象風景にも繋がっているかのようです。「縁」を思わせるテーマに、不思議な絆を感じます。彼女が好んで用いる赤い糸も「縁」と繋がり、そして、それは彼女の住む国では、運命を導くシンボルといいます。ヘットラボアトリエムならではのHelgaのプレゼンテーションは彼女にとって日本で初めての個展となります。

Helga Ritsch  www.helga-ritsch.com

スイス出身 1998年より陶芸作家としてスタジオを設立 スイスを拠点に作家活動



– Born in Switzerland:  Started Her work as an independent ceramic artist in 1998.

2001-2006: Apprenticeship for ceramist (wheelthrowing)


1989-1995: Course of studies at the University of Zurich .

 Art History/German Philology/Philosophy (today M.A.)
1987-1989: Basic studies at ETH Zurich . Architecture Department (today B.A.)